I believe this essay expresses extremely well the unarticulated feelings of some significant portion of Trump supporters. Yes, some of Trump's base are uncritical cultists. And a few Republicans have become 'never-Trumpers' and would prefer the Democrat-overseen slide into destruction described here, especially since the Democrats seem to have become Bush-era neo-cons when it comes to foreign policy.

But between these two groups are many who, to one degree or another, feel some -- or a lot of -- uneasiness in voting for Trump. And this essay explains why both the uneasiness about Trump, and the decision to vote for him anyway, are justified. History is full of accidents, there is no supernatural power dictating that we must have ever-upward progress, and we must play the hand we are dealt.

One point which should be made to patriots: there are some on the other side who will now use every trick in the book to discredit us. Whether or not 6 January was the result of provocateurs, we should not have fallen for it. Expect similar provocations -- some instigated by the Enemy, others by 'sincere' fools on our side -- and don't fall for them. Peaceful and Legal must be our watchwords, unless and until the other side make it impossible. (And even then, whatever our response is, must be guided by cold-blooded tactical thinking. One of the requirements of a 'Just War' is that it be winnable.)

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I'm happy that I was able to put your feelings into words. And hearing a few hours ago that Donald Trump picked JD Vance as his running mate makes me very happy. (His surviving the assassination attempt two days ago also made me happy - having an open convention at this point would be a huge nightmare even if it didn't end up nominating a swamp creature, which it probably would). As for January 6 - like I said back when it happened, there are circumstances where extralegal resistance is in order (why else would we celebrate the Fourth of July?) but that wasn't one of them. Oh well. The important things are (1) Trump acted childishly but he never ordered anyone to do anything violent and (2) progressive attacks on democracy, including most of what passed for "constitutional law" until a few years ago, are still much worse.

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Shit is gna hit the fan it's gna come from the shitholes dotting our country.

Get out now while you can.

Feeling Blue, move Red.

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